Friday, January 28, 2011

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Up, up, and away!

Haven't blogged in a couple days on here. I'm kinda bad with keeping up! I have a good excuse though... Yesterday was my Birthday!! Yay for the big 22. ;) I had a good birthday, worked part of the day and then for school I go into a kindergarten class and teach a science lesson. Right as I walked through the door, not even two steps in the children were sitting around the carpet and sang happy birthday to me. It was so cute!  It definitely made my day... :) Later we had a birthday treat of brownies and they made me a birthday card. I had a lot of fun.

Later after I went out to dinner with my family including my wonderful boyfriend and best friend. Had some great Italian food and delicious cupcakes in the shape of a butterfly. It was an awesome day/night.

I also have been editing some pictures that are turning out great! I can't wait to get them back to the client. :D Also along those lines I am working on getting prices around for wedding pictures. I have a price for the wedding, but I am stuck on the actual picture prints. How do people do packages, I am oh so curious!! I have looked at a couple places, but everything seems a little out of the price range I want to be in. SO if there are any photographers out there, (hint, hint) that would like to comment or even message me on fb (Krissy Marie Photography) I would be so appreciative. I have a lot of research plus homework and photo editing to do!

I also have some new props for photographing babies! (Particularly girls) With head bands with flowers, cute hats and bows! I will be taking some pictures soon and posting them up! I am very excited to use some great things that I got for my bday!

Well I think that is everything I needed to catch up on so far!! Peace, Love, and Photos ;)

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Stuff!

Today has been a pretty long day. Work in the morning and two classes until six tonight, I am kinda tired. BUT I came home, relaxed, and colored... Yes, I said colored! With chalk... I know right! It's snowing outside, how could I be coloring with chalk you say?!?
     Well, I got two new small chalk boards in different designs! I would have to say they are pretty cool even though I am definitely not the best artist. I try though and that's all that count right! Well after coloring one I was surely impressed with myself. I love coloring though so even if it's not to perfection I had fun doing it. I bought them both to add a little bit of FUN props to my photography collection! How exciting. :) Here is the first one!

     I do have a second one which is just really fun! I'm sure I can do a lot with it colored in all the way or not... I could outline just like I did this one. And I thought I did a pretty clever job posing them to look kinda cool! Here is the second one to check out...

HOW cool are these shapes! I am going to look for some more so I can add to my collection. Watch it turn into my new hobby... searching for different shaped chalk boards in my spare time after school, work, homework, editing, riding (horses), cleaning the apartment, and MY Birthday! Which is Thursday, Im stoked... :) If you haven't read my other blogs you should check them out also! Starting up a blog is really cool I would have to say...  :D

Show your friends and you can also check out my page on the infamous FB, it's pretty awesome too! Krissy Marie Photography. Good nite!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunny day inside :)

Well, after making waffle for breakfast I decided to try and add some cool pictures to my blog. Well I wasn't very good at succeeding in the way I would have liked. I was able to get some pictures up that is shown at the top of my blog of some pictures I have taken. Though I am not able to figure out how to get them larger and be able to put more then one without making something in photoshop.

It looks gorgeous outside, but it is -2 degrees where I am at. So, my day has been made up of relaxing and trying to figure out this gosh darn blog! Since I am not able to figure out how to add pictures to the top of my page at this moment I will just add some to my blog like I did last night. :)

SO! Here are three to check out until I am able to get the ones I want at the top larger!! Comment and tell me what you think about it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today, yet yesterday!

Yesterday about 3 hours ago I was taking some fun pictures for the first time inside a low lit place! If was a lot of fun and I'm glad I was asked to take pictures for my friends birthday party!! I am so glad though I had the opportunity because I am doing some weddings this summer and really would like some experience with different types of lighting!

I have never blogged before either so this is a new experience for me! I see a whole lot of people doing it, and I would like to follow this cool trend. For being in the technological generation I am having a little difficulty figuring out how to get a cool background and what not, but I will try and succeed. Also I hope to get a picture up of tonight on here to let other see/ comment on how well/not so well I did with my lighting!

So here's to my first blog! :)