Saturday, January 22, 2011

Today, yet yesterday!

Yesterday about 3 hours ago I was taking some fun pictures for the first time inside a low lit place! If was a lot of fun and I'm glad I was asked to take pictures for my friends birthday party!! I am so glad though I had the opportunity because I am doing some weddings this summer and really would like some experience with different types of lighting!

I have never blogged before either so this is a new experience for me! I see a whole lot of people doing it, and I would like to follow this cool trend. For being in the technological generation I am having a little difficulty figuring out how to get a cool background and what not, but I will try and succeed. Also I hope to get a picture up of tonight on here to let other see/ comment on how well/not so well I did with my lighting!

So here's to my first blog! :)


  1. Love the blog!!! Your background is so pretty - the watercolors are fun :) Did you take that picture in your kindergarten class? Lol

  2. lol No silly. That was Charles's card box from last night! It was really cool. And thanks! I'm trying this since a whole ton of other photographers have blogs and they are really cool!

  3. LOL - no the one where you are holding up the little smiling mask.... :)

  4. =) Thanks for Saturday!!! Let me know when I can 'preview' what u did!!
