Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunny day inside :)

Well, after making waffle for breakfast I decided to try and add some cool pictures to my blog. Well I wasn't very good at succeeding in the way I would have liked. I was able to get some pictures up that is shown at the top of my blog of some pictures I have taken. Though I am not able to figure out how to get them larger and be able to put more then one without making something in photoshop.

It looks gorgeous outside, but it is -2 degrees where I am at. So, my day has been made up of relaxing and trying to figure out this gosh darn blog! Since I am not able to figure out how to add pictures to the top of my page at this moment I will just add some to my blog like I did last night. :)

SO! Here are three to check out until I am able to get the ones I want at the top larger!! Comment and tell me what you think about it!

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